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Private: Live Webinar: Integration of CBCT feature for Spark Aligners – Dr. Andre El Zoghbi

Especialidad: Alineadores Spark Clear,

The integration of CBCT within the Spark Approver software and its crucial role in obtaining more predictable results while respecting the patient's biological limits.

Sobre el curso


Join this FREE WEBINAR on the integration of CBCT within the Spark Approver software, and its crucial role in obtaining more predictable results while respecting the patient’s biological limits.
Our key note speaker for the event is Dr. Andre El Zoghbi.
He will share a case presentation and lecture information on:
  • Advantages of Virtual Roots in 3D Treatment Planning.
  • Integration and new Improvements of CBCT data for Spark Aligners.
  • Virtual Roots (VR) vs Real Roots (RR).
  • Clinical cases and the use of CBCT data.
  • New Release R 12 and the Evolution of CBCT
Education Aims
  • To recognize the power of CBCT on 3D Orthodontic Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
  • To be able to import and visualize CBCT patient data within Spark’s Approver Software.
  • To master 3D modifications simultaneously with CBCT
About the speaker
Dr. EL Zoghbi (Dr. Z) earned his dental degree from the Lebanese University of Beirut and his Master’s degree in Orthodontics and Orthopaedics from the Paris VII University of France. After his speciality studies, he completed a 2 years research program on biomaterials in Orthodontics in the French National Health Research Institute (INSERM) followed by a four-year Associate Assistant Lecturer in Orthodontics at the Paris VII University giving lectures for Postgraduate students along with giving Orthodontic Clinical training at the Hotel Dieu de Paris hospital in Paris. He is established in his private practice at Choisy le Roi in the suburbs of Paris and has treated more than 1000 patients with Clear Aligners. Since January 2020 he is a key expert and Speaker for Spark Clear Aligners and responsible for Spark certifications in France.
Don’t miss this amazing free webinar!

Impartido por:

Dr. Andre El Zoghbi

Especialista en Alineadores Spark Clear

